The brand Every.Day.Counts asked me to exhibit my Support The Locals work in their store in Amsterdam. It resulted in a collaboration in which I got the pleasure to design a festival print in my own style and hand-screen-print it personally on their product. We kept it exclusive so I only printed a limited amount of 7 women sweaters end 7 men tees. Afterwards I numbered and signed each one live in their store.
I was inspired by Mohamed Ali’s famous quote: ‘Don’t count the days, make the days count’. I think it just fits the brands name perfectly as well as the festival theme.
It was great fun working on this project and getting dirty hands. I love how the prints came out all different. Especially the printed wrinkles on the side of the shirts and sweaters are really great! For their website Every.Day.Counts did a short interview and photo-shoot with me to promote the project. Read the interview here.